The following table lists the libraries provided with the Goanna project.

Library Cluster Description
library/utility General utility classes including string tokenizers, portable string, bit and character manipulation classes and a Base64 encoder and decoder.
library/utility/codegen Eiffel code generation classes.
library/utility/log4e Complete port of Jakarta Log4J library providing a flexible and efficient logging framework.
library/webservices/connectors/cgi CGI servlet connector. Allows a servlet engine to run using the CGI interface.
library/webservices/connectors/fast_cgi FastCGI servlet connector. Allows a servlet engine to run using the FastCGI protocol.
library/webservices/connectors/stand_alone Standalone servlet connector. Allows a servlet engine to run using an internal web server.
library/models/dom Complete DOM Level 2 implementation.
library/protocols/xmlrpc Complete XMLRPC implementation.
library/services Web service registry library.
library/servlet Complete servlet library.


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